Most scores below are all given in terms of kan (貫 or arch. 環, 12 points). Some rulesets report in terms of points instead (as multiples of 10) but I have divided these by 10 so the scores are comparable; the base unit is noted in the database.

The data is stored in the following database:

Scoring Schedules Data

Sources left to add:

  1. 八々秘伝 : 百戦百勝, by 弄花散史, 1890 [TODO!!!]
  2. ~~婦女手芸法, 1893 (this has no teyaku)~~ might not be about 88

手役 (Hand Yaku)

Name Meaning Japanese
Sanbon 3 of a kind 三本
Tatesanbon 3 in Wisteria, Iris, Clover, or kasu of Paulownia 立三本/ 竪三本 / たて三本
Kuttsuki/Sarashi/San-sō/Aiai 3 pair 喰付 (食付) / ク[ッ]ツキ / クツッキ / く[っつツ]つき / 三双 / 相合
Futa-sanbon 2 sanbon 二三本/ふた三本/二タ三本/双三本/二た三本/331
Teshi 4 of a kind 手四 / てし
Haneken / Kengin / Yakoken 3 of a kind and 2 pair はねけん(三) / 二二三 / けんぎん / 八子ケン / 跳劒 / 羽見(ン)三 / ハネケン/322
Ichi-ni-shi 4 of a kind and pair 一二四 / 一弐四 / 一にし/124
Shi-sō 4 and 3 of a kind 四三 (しそう) / 𛁈さう/43
Sanbon–Tatesanbon sanbon & tatesanbon 三本立三本
Futa–Tatesanbon 2 tatesanbon 二立三本
Aka ≥2 tanzaku, rest kasu 赤 / あか / アカ
Tan-Ichi 1 tanzaku, rest kasu 短一 / 丹一 / タン一 / 丹・1
Tō-ichi 1 tane, rest kasu 十一 / 10・一
Pika-Ichi (Hikari-Ichi, Mai-Ichi) / Gacha 1 bright, rest kasu 光一 / ひかり一 / ガチャ / がちや/ ピカ・1
Karasu all kasu 空巣 (空素) (空巢) / カラス / からす
Nana-tan all tanzaku 七短/七たん
Kinkira or Gingira no kasu きんきら/ぎんぎら/キンキラ
Ichi-mai-zō ??? 一枚増
dealt 5 brights i.e. the dekiyaku dealt
dealt 4 brights i.e. the dekiyaku dealt
Zoro akatan, aotan, or 4 brights dealt ゾロ
Ignoring? ? found in 1971 owned book トランプ・花札ゲーム, woth 4 素無し

Teyaku group 1 (sets based)


<aside> ℹ️ If a 3-of-a-kind becomes a 4-of-a-kind during play, score another 1 kan or 10 points. (Diving: 飛込) When Shi-Sō is scored, the hand is not played.

Ry’s sheet has a dealt su-ichi!

花かるた憲法 says shisō is 30 kan from active players and 20 kan from everyone else.

Reveal all cards that count towards the yaku (so for haneken, 1–2–4, and 4–3, reveal all cards).

1988 Ephemera gives explicit teyaku for being dealt dekiyaku (called 大将 taishō hands):

Blue box ephemera has a yaku for 2 pairs! (2 kan)


Teyaku group 2 (kasu-based)


<aside> ℹ️ All rain cards (November) count as kasu for the purposes of these yaku. Reveal all kasu. All except Pika-Ichi increase by one kan/10 points if you score ≥ 89 points.


出来役 (dekiyaku)

Name Japanese Meaning
Aka(tan) / Urasu / Yoroshī / Akayoro / Ura-sugawara / Akayoroshi 赤(短) / 裏 / うらす (裏す, 宇良す) / よろしい / 赤よろ / 緋 / 裏菅原 / あかよろし 3 red poetry tanzaku
Ao(tan) / Aoyoro / Aoyoroshi 青(短) / 青よろ / 紫色三短 / 靑短 / あをよろし 3 blue tanzaku
Shi-Kō 四光 4 brights
Go-Kō 五光/雨人四光 5 brights
Ame-iri-shi-kō 雨入四光
(Nana-Tan) 七短 / 七丹 / 丹・7 7 tanzaku
(Nana-to) 七十 / 10・7 7 tane
(Rokutan-rokuto) 六丹六十 6 tanzaku + 6 tane
(Ino-Shika-Chō) 猪鹿蝶 boar deer butterfly
(Omote-Sugawara) 表菅原/表すがはら first 3: bright tane bright
(San-Kō) 三光 3 brights
Sō-Hachi / Sō-Ippai 総八 (總八) / 総一杯 (總一杯) / 三人八十八 All =88
Futa-Hachi (Bai-Hachi) / Hachi-Tokachi(?) 二八 (倍八) / 八十勝 ≥88+80
Su-Jiroku 素十六/す十六/ス16 16 kasu
Su-Jishichi 素十七 17 kasu
Su-Jihachi 素十八 18 kasu
Su-Jiku 素十九 19 kasu
素二十上/素廿以上 ≥ 20 kasu
Su-Ichi 素一/ス一 only capture 1 kasu
Su-Nashi 素無 / スナシ / 素なし capture 0 kasu
Fuke ふけ/フケ <24 pts [mercari handwritten set <30]
Fukkeshi 吹き消し prevent both other players from increasing scores for teyaku which increase if you score 88 (nuke)
Kiri-shima 桐しま all 4
Fuji-shima 藤しま all 4
Ame-shima/Ni-zoraro 雨しま/二ぞらろ all 4
Hanami 花見 cherry curtain and sake
Tsukimi 月見 moon and sake
Nomi 飲み/のみ or 月見花見 hanami and tsukimi
Kusa(-santan) 草三短/くさ iris, clover, wisteria ribbons (non-poetry red)

<aside> 💡 In Hana-Awase, San-Kō and Shi-Kō do not stop play.

八八居士: shikō, aotan, akatan, nanatan, sujiroku can be +1 kan

花合と八八: Shi-kō and Gokō also given as 10/12???

Tamura adds 10 pts for each additional nana-tan card


Dekiyaku scores


Rare dekiyaku